Star Wars: What if... - Fan made story series Part 1

 What if … Padme was able to turn Anakin back to the light side in Mustafar.

This timeline alternates when Padme comes to Mustafar to confront Vader and bring Anakin back to the light side.*

Padme arrives on Mustafar on her n-1 class ship to speak to Anakin Skywalker. Anakin sees the ship and comes to the landing area to see who has arrived. He senses that Padme has come but he senses another presence in the ship, it was Obi-wan Kenobi. 

After landing Padme rushes to Anakin and asks him what have he done and tries to convince him to come back as a jedi. Anakin doesn’t listen and thinks and sees Obi-wan in the ship. He force chokes Padme and she falls to the ground unconscious.

A fight breaks out between Obi-wan and Anakin. After a while they jump onto the last platform on the lava river. Obi-wan tells to Anakin “look at what you have done, your anger is causing harm to everyone, You killed master Windu. Padme is dying and she is carrying your child”. Anakin thinks about what he has become, Realizes he has turned to the dark side and betrayed his loved ones.

They goes back to land safely. Anakin runs to Padme and puts his hand on her forehead to use his force healing abilities to bring her back to life. Suddenly, a bolt of lightning strikes Obi-wan. Anakin turns back and sees 4 clone troopers with Palpatine with his hands pointing out with lightning sparks coming out of them. “young fool, it was foolish of you to not use the dark side of the force, now you will die..” said Palpatine.

Anakin replied with, "I will not fall for your tricks again, i want there to be peace in the galaxy, not suffering and pain, you will pay for what you did!". Anakin then equips his lightsaber and jumps at the sith lord. They start dueling at a high speed. Palpatine uses the dark force to stop Anakin's lightsaber mid air and strikes his mechanical arm. Anakin changes his dueling style to a one handed style to continue fighting but this is okay for Palpatine because he has mastered 7 of the lightsaber dueling styles. due to Anakin being unable to fight with his familiar dueling style he becomes weak. Palpatine senses this and hits anakin with a force lightning strike.

Anakin falls to the ground. Palpatine goes to anakin and says "You underestimated the power of the dark side, now you will die...". When Palpatine is about to strike Anakin, he sees a lightsaber appear through Palpatine's chest and he falls to the ground dead. Obi-wan has got up and killed the sith lord. He helps Anakin to get up and they all go back to Coruscant safely. 

Padme gives birth to her 2 children and names them "Luke Skywalker" and "Leia Skywalker", Since the most of the jedi council is dead, the remaining jedi warriors allows Anakin to marry Padme. Anakin overtime learns to use both the light side and the dark side of the force balanced and he becomes the most powerful jedi in the galaxy.


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