Wolf children (2012) Review


“Wolf children” is a Japanese animated feature by Mamoru Hosoda and produced by Studio Chizu. Its plot revolves around a 19-year-old college student who falls in love with a Wolf man and eventually they have they have 2 children but the father dies in an accident, The mother then tries her best to teach her children and survive at the same time. Even though she has many challenges she faces those challenges with a big smile on her face.

In this movie we can see many social norms with the society that effects our lives since our birth. Such as acceptance of difference, expectations, conformity. We can see these norms effecting their lives throughout the movie.

the visuals and animations are very well done in this movie. The cities, landscapes, the countryside are very well drawn and very similar to the real japanese landscapes. The animations are so much better and fluid compared to many other anime movies out there and it's very easy on the eye.

Overall, the movie is a masterpiece. The story writing and the animations are top notch when it comes to anime. It has well drawn animations and sceneries. Personally, I would highly recommend this movie.


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